About Me

I am a kind of a person who wanted to make a change with one health both inside out. I strongly believe in one strategy , YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. I am a CYSTER too. Who faced lots of issues due to PCOS and still trying to manage few symptoms. I preach at the same time I heal.


I've completed my Nutrition and Fitness Therapist course from the University of California. Also graduated as Integrative Nutrition Health Coach from one of the top & finest Nutrition school in the world IIN and as a Specialising category in Hormonal Health Coaching.


We are not supposed to blame our DNA’s & RNA’s for getting diabetes, or any other disorder. If there are 100% chances to get a disease by means of hereditary then of course there are 100% chances to heal ourself with right choice of food & Lifestyle. There’s no compromise. 

Ive been helping women to normalise their periods and get their hormones balanced to get pregnant naturally. Each and every session that i conduct adds a lot of values to your life and fertility jouney. 


I do love chocolates & Cakes and Ice creams. I don’t always eat healthy. But I teach people the limits of eating unhealthy foods. The life is all about balance. There was one point in my life where Hormonal imbalances ruled me. I was around 82kg and that’s where I was getting sicker and sicker. And my doctor strictly told me that you should be on hormonal medicines forever that’s when I decided to change myself forever. I do not want to do that.


Programs & Trainings


Daily Customers


Work Session


Happy Women around the world


My mantra is to focus on making small changes. We’re not aiming for perfection here! Change usually happens in small steps. Every baby steps matters.

I don’t encourage FAD Diets, I strongly believe in eating foods that are sustainable throughout our life. NO KETO/NO PALEO. But yes LOW CARB MEDITTERANEAN STYLE DIET is preferred by me. Because this kind is manageable. I preach one and only lifestyle changes. 


I Preach to being active in all forms from exercise to lifestyle… Its like run, run and run throughout the day. We are supposed to lead a healthy life without any medications. Im completely against medicines. Only if there is a situation like it’s a must to take medicines I would take. The body has the capacity to heal itself by itself. I strongly believe that nature has a lot of healing capacity from sun, moon and water to air. All we have to do is connect our body with the circadian rhythm of the nature.


When I started creating awareness regarding Hormonal imbalances I never thought that this would be so serious. There were so many people out there suffering like me. Its not only me. But we are a community of CYSTERS.

I can proudly say that Ive healed and corrected the food habits and lifestyle of over 500+ Cysters. Not just 1 or 2 and many more success stories of pregnancy is on the way.

It was never a business idea, to earn money. I was preaching for free but people never knew the value of anything that comes free. It was just me sharing my struggles and solutions in the hope that it might help at least one woman who wanted to take control of her body and her life but did not know how.I do take only minimum number of people per month as I cannot personally handle a large group of people. 


Here are 5 important motto of this renourish Programs. Our body is already nourished. But feeding the right choice of foods can help it to renourish the better way and heal faster.

  1. Balanced meal – A colourful food plate, That includes equal amount of fruits, veggies, protein, fats and carbohydrates are important. Do not worry I will teach you how to formulate your own food plate.
  2. Move more – Move in the morning, after every meal and in the evening. Ofcourse more the movement, more the healing.
  3. Drink your herbal teas – Herbs have more powerful healing properties and taking in appropriate quantity is best to heal faster.
  4. Connect with Nature – Connecting your body circadian rhythm with the nature is more appreciated from getting your daily sunshine, fresh air and grounding. Lets get deep into this through my courses.
  5. Self love – The more you try taking care of yourself and your body the more happy your life will be. No other compromises when it comes to self care. Proper sleep pattern, relationships, Weight management and love is all we need. 

I’ve had great success in helping women with hormonal imbalances meet their goals – whether it be to decrease carb cravings, regularise their period cycle, lose weight, decrease their symptoms or get pregnant! I’m here to help you! Contact me today to get started.

Just head on to the program section and choose the suitable plan for you. That helps a lot. Looking forward to work with you. Bye for now.


I work with only women clients. Mostly between age 16-45 yrs. Those who are predominantly affected with hormonal imbalances. Some common reasons why people want to work with me include:

  • Weight loss/gain/maintenance
  • Diabetes, prediabetes and gestational diabetes
  • Fertility Support
  • GI conditions including IBS, GERD, constipation, gluten sensitivity and more
  • Women’s health issues including PCOS, menopause, PMS, Fertility, Thyroid, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis.
  • Guidance on decreasing carb cravings, increasing energy levels
  • Overall healthy diet and lifestyle changes
  • Binge eating and food relationships
  • Guidance on intermittent fasting
After making payments. You will receive an enrolment form after enrolling in any of our programs. You should fill up the form and submit back to us within 24-48 hours of making payment. All the details regarding the program will be guided through whatsapp. We will be sharing all the required iteneries through whatsapp. This program can give you a wide knowledge on having a hassle free periods and improving your overall health and lifestyle changes. Its only 20% of knowledge that I can give you. But 80% of self work Is required. Implementing the 20% in your life will give you 100% results.

I strongly recommend taking minimum 3 months package. In 30 days session, I can give the diet plus lifestyle knowledge. But it takes minimum 6-12 weeks to show results. Few may start seeing their symptoms improve in very first week. And very few will see after 3 months. It depends on every individual. If incase any personal guidance needed for more than 30 days you can upgrade the plan with 10% off.  

Obviously a body weighing scale and inch tape to measure progress. A kitchen weighing scale to measure foods. And necessary items required for diet shall be shared only after enrolling ( Herbal teas, Supplements etc. ) It is not compulsory to use the herbal teas & Supplements. I will be explaining the importance of every supplement in session. If it suits you, then it can be added to your diet.
We will be announcing the time schedule for every batch before enrolling. Please do read the description and then join the session. The timings will be mentioned in IST. Please note, the zoom session will be recorded and will be live for a week in your profile. You can very well see the session within that particular week. And it will be removed post the given time. Also yoga session will be recorded and uploaded in your account. You can login and watch it within a week time. This facility maybe suitable for every international clients out there.
Yes I do take couple transformation completely as 1-1 coaching only. Incase if any customisation needed in regards to personal health, Couples can join the customised transformation Program.
Yes customisation can be applied with special request. Based on client needs
I work on a fee-for-service model and do not participate in any insurance plans. And the full payment should be done before enrolment. Only during offer period you are supposed to use Coupon CODES and get enrolled yourself.
The program charges will be on 10% discount for the next two months for a three months package. The plan can be upgraded anytime during the course within 30 days. After that you need to join a new course. And for 6 months plan upgrading there will be 15% fee discount for 6 months.
You have a minimum 1 business day ( Mon-Fri ) cancellation policy. And post that no cancellation will be available. No refunds will be available.

Everyone has different needs and not everyone needs to follow restrictive diets or cut out entire food groups. Nutrition is not one size fits all: I take a moderate approach while paying attention to your food sensitivities, medical needs and food preferences so that you have a customized plan that works for you while still getting you the results you are looking for. 


 If any food that is causing the symptoms and making your health worse, we would suggest to go on an elimination diet to see whether your body symptoms are improving. It is better to avoid those foods in your daily routine.