
With LAV

About Us

Im a Civil Engineering graduate. A natural skinacare and haircare formulator. And yes a fitness enthusiast, completed my Nutrition and Fitness Therapist course from the University of California. Now upgrading my knowledge from on of the finest Nutrition school in the world as a Specialising in Hormonal Health Coaching. Soon will be announcing my graduation day.
I do love chocolates & Cakes and Ice creams. I don’t always eat healthy. But I teach people the limits of eating unhealthy foods. The life is all about balance. There was one point in my life where Hormonal imbalances ruled me. I was around 82kg and that’s where I was getting sicker and sicker. And my doctor strictly told me that you should be on hormonal medicines forever that’s when I decided to change myself forever. I do not want to do that.
Level 3 health coach


My mantra is to focus on making small changes. We’re not aiming for perfection here! Change usually happens in small steps. Every baby steps matters. I don’t encourage FAD Diets, I strongly believe in eating foods that are sustainable throughout our life. NO KETO/NO PALEO. But yes LOW CARB is preferred by me. Because this kind is manageable. I preach one and only lifestyle changes.
August Renourish diet
July 29th – Friday Diet Will be given
Diet and lifestyle program
July 29th, Friday
July 30th, Saturday
Morning 7.30am – 9.30am IST
AUGUST 7th – Sunday
Morning 7.30am-9.00am IST

Contact Me

We are not supposed to blame our DNA’s & RNA’s for getting diabetes, or any other disorder. If there are 100% chances to get a disease by means of hereditary then of course there are 100% chances to heal ourself with right choice of food & Lifestyle. There’s no compromise.
Lavanya Vignesh
Certified Nutritionist Thearapist.